Abstract submission for CARE4 2024 is CLOSED
Oral presentation
Presenters in these dedicated sessions receive a time slot in order to present their work (project, research, quality improvement initiative, innovative ideas, …), followed by a Q&A.
Poster presentation
Presenters will be invited to develop a poster to present their work (project, research, quality improvement initiative, innovative ideas, …). Presenters will present their work to a broad audience and discussions in the poster area will be encouraged. Posters will not be accepted from presenters who are not attending the congress.
Presenters receive 90 minutes to create a session including different presenters discussing about one specific topic or theme. Preference is given to symposia that are empirically-based, and present either new research data or the findings of systematic literature reviews. The format typically includes a chairperson and four presenters.
General information
- CARE4 will welcome and provide the opportunity for late breaking abstracts about new insights and results from studies that were not available by the regular abstract submission period. The deadline is September 30th, 2023.
- All abstracts must be submitted in English through the conference platform Conftool.
- The use of the abstract template is mandatory, please follow the detailed submission guidelines available below.
- All abstracts will be evaluated by the CARE4 2024 Scientific Committee and a blind review process will be performed (this is why two versions of each abstract pdf must be submitted – one with the list of authors and one without, please see guidelines below). The Scientific Committee holds the right to offer the author another presentation type.
- Authors can submit more than one abstract.
Each presenting author must register as an active participant. CARE4 reserves the right to exclude any abstract from the scientific programme that is not followed by a participant registration by 30 November 2023 at the latest.
Oral and poster presentations
Abstracts for oral and poster presentations need to report on the following information:
- Background
- Aim(s)
- Methods
- Results
- Discussion (including limitations)
- Implications and future perspectives
- References
3 main submission categories: Nursing, Midwifery and Health and education
All abbreviations must be defined in the first use.
Statements such as “results will be discussed” or “data will be presented” will not be accepted.
Please do not include tables, graphs or references in the abstract.
Please ensure that your research has been approved by the relevant ethics committees (if applicable).
Accepted abstracts for oral, poster and symposium will be published in the conference abstract book and on the CARE4 conference website.
The abstract should be compiled without changing the styles defined in the abstract template, please follow the instructions mentioned in the template:
- The text of the headers is Arial, 12 points, bold.
- The text of the abstract body is Arial, 10 points, single-spaced (“Normal” style). Include an empty line before each new section. Page layout is A4 portrait, 2.0 cm margins.
- Abstract must not exceed one page (a word count of approximately 500 words references not included).
- The abstracts should be uploaded as PDF document through the conference website.
The maximum size of the PDF file is 1 Mb. - The abstracts must be submitted through the conference platform Conftool. Please select Oral/Poster presentation as submission format.
During the review of abstracts a blind review process will be used. We therefore ask you to submit 2 versions of the pdf of your abstract:
- 1st pdf with the full list of authors – this one will be used for the conference programme and for the conference abstract book.
- 2nd pdf for review: without the list of authors and institutions for the purpose of the blind review process.
Please follow the instructions in the abstract submission system.
Abstracts for symposia should be written in a structured way giving a brief introduction to the topic, the objectives of the symposium, then short sections including names and affiliations of the presenters, chairperson and/or discussant, each name followed by a short abstract of the individual presentations.
The abstract must include a concluding section summarizing the expected learning outcomes for the audience.
All abbreviations must be defined in the first use.
Statements such as “results will be discussed” or “data will be presented” will not be accepted.
The abstract should be compiled without changing the styles defined in the abstract template, please follow the instructions mentioned in the template.
- The abstracts for symposia must also be submitted through the conference platform Conftool. Please select symposium as submission format.
- Please use the specific abstract template for symposium.
- The abstract word limit is max. 1000 words.
- Please do not include tables, graphs or references in the abstract.
- For symposia, the review process is not performed as a blind review process. Only one version of the abstract is therefore required and you can keep all authors names in the text.